Though it may seem a bizarre idea to begin a new special for a summer fest during Christmas we think it is just the best time during these gloomy and snowy days to bring you at least in these few lines an attractive view of drinking beer during an incredible music set at the summer fest!!! Aaauuurrgghhh!!!

Non-stop Grinding Monster

The latest studio recording released through the mini CD CONSUME TO CONTAMINATE could win an award for the best recorded drums in the grindcore history. It’s not just a hyper-fast dirty grind drumming but the clarity of all the cymbals played during a blast-beat tempo is just shocking-and there’s a good deal of cymbals on that record. Having put his sennheiser headphones on to enjoy the recording quality, Adolf had cranked the volume up and was instantly consumed by the job of the new drummer Sami, clarity of recorded instruments, and overall production. ...the whole interview.
SPLITTER: Wilder Than Hell

One stale rock proverb says: "Louder than hell". It would have to be changed to "Wilder than hell and faster than death" in the case of the Swedish grind core band called SPLITTER (how pertinent the name for this band) to describe their music and their new album "Avskräckande Exemplar". The album that literally hacked me to pieces (the whole review here). The interview for our webzine became a total must. So, we submit the following answers from the guitar player Niklas Holm and the singer Fredrik Thalberg that came back in a flash to you. It seems the band do not only play fast ...the whole interview.
NAPALM DEATH: Questioning Morals

Smear Campaign is a brilliant album. It has the quality of a premium-brute grindcore, packed with thought-provoking lyrics and fresh-sounding experiments. It recalls distant memories of the Scum era at certain moments, it bears elements of an insane hardcore, and it has a wide array of innovative ideas. Adolf talked to Barney about questioning morals in the new album Smear Campaign, interpreting ND’s lyrics, Barney’s abilities to speak German and Spanish, and Mitch’s playing a twelve-string guitar in grindcore tracks. A couple of weeks before the death of Jesse Pintado, reasons for parting ways with Jesse were discussed as well as then the actual question about him ever coming back to ND. ...the whole interview.

Blackmails and Assholism
Due to the fact there is a significantly more extensive interview with Gulio turning around this DVD it would be superfluous to ask him
he whole article

Lyden Na
Aaaargh… Finally we have got here a new album from the mighty cult lunatics of BLOOD DUSTER after a longer time that is released
the whole interview
HELL Maniacs!
When Zizen tore the original editorial some time ago to shreds and I was forced to write it again I wrote basically the same with a little modification. Until now the situation has not changed much as the feeling inside is still unchangeable. Thus I will try to put together the facts that are essential for the future of our webfanzine, The Suffering.
It is really impossible to tell the direction it is going to take and how it is going to look like in several months with TS. If it is going to at all… Being a fan is a nice thing but it is understandable that our life as ordinary people brings other necessary priorities than a fanzine for a bunch of lunetics…
So this is also an answer to the questions why The Suffering has literally died for a half a year. I appologise for that on behalf of the whole team but it was not within our power to harmonize everything so that we have time for our web. As a matter of fact we had first-hand experience of the well-known truth that it is much harder to maintain something than to create that.
Also we ourselves had to reduce our monumental ideas.
However, the first basic information is that we want to and are going to go on. Though it is going to be in a bit modified form but the positive should be a minimum up-to-dateness at least when less means more in the long run. We want to use the fact it is a webzine and add an MP3 player with bands we want to write about. The interviews will not be that extensive but there should be much more of them decidedly… Definitely another positive thing for the readers in the end. It will not be such famous bands. There will appear more of the less known or unknown bands but always it will be first-class music for sure!
In any case we do not say no to bigger interviews. We just have to make it suite our possibilities…
As I wrote at the beginning it is hard to guess the direction the evolution is going to take due to all other circumstancies. However, we want to push this cart and progress.
Martin, 24.12.2007
...the whole Editorial