We are sorry but the live reports are done just in the Czech version due to the time pressure at the moment.
reports in total: 2     pages in total: 1     1  

A several months in advance announced collective tour of four bands that had given the term Swedish death metal a meaning could not let the fans of this style calm for the whole time and made them unpatiently check the calendar how many days are there left before the Swedish death itself strikes in the form of the DISMEMBER, ENTOMBED, GRAVE, UNLEASHED tour. ...the whole report
OBSCENE EXTREME 14. 7. - 15. 7. 2006

Me and Áda do not differ on the fact that it is worth writing about live events but who is going to do it. If no one is going to be found, Amen. I might agree to this in any other case except for OEF. It is such a special festival that it would be a shame not to mention it in The SUFFERING. It is more than symbolic OEF 2006 is going to be the 1st article in this category. Unfortunately, what I was most afraid of has happened. If I want a review, I have to write ...the whole report

Blackmails and Assholism
Due to the fact there is a significantly more extensive interview with Gulio turning around this DVD it would be superfluous to ask him
the whole article

Lyden Na
Aaaargh… Finally we have got here a new album from the mighty cult lunatics of BLOOD DUSTER after a longer time that is released
the whole interview
HELL Maniacs!
When Zizen tore the original editorial some time ago to shreds and I was forced to write it again I wrote basically the same with a little modification. Until now the situation has not changed much as the feeling inside is still unchangeable. Thus I will try to put together the facts that are essential for the future of our webfanzine, The Suffering.
It is really impossible to tell the direction it is going to take and how it is going to look like in several months with TS. If it is going to at all… Being a fan is a nice thing but it is understandable that our life as ordinary people brings other necessary priorities than a fanzine for a bunch of lunetics…
...the whole Editorial